
Learn more about the Views through which you'll interact with the game

To make playing Train of the Century easy and intuitive, we've designed a number of UI elements called Views. On this page, you'll find information about each of the Views, including their purpose, how to access them, and how to interact with them.

The Station View

Depot me once, shame on you.

To access the Station View, simply click on a station.

Idle Train View

  • If your train is at the station: The Station View will look like the picture above, displaying information about your train. You'll also be able to enter the Edit Train and Next Stop Views from here.

Station Info View

If your train is not at the station:

Your first click will display a preview of the Station's information. The information displayed here is the Station's: name, owner, top 5 commodity rates, and the Station Billboard.

Clicking on the glowing arrows at the bottom of the panel will expand the modal, revealing the Station's full Info View.

In this expanded view, you can click on the three tabs at the bottom of the View to see more information about the Station:

Click the cube icon to see the Station's Commodity Rates. (This tab is open by default.)

Click the gift icon to see any events happening at the Station.

Click the cards icon to access the Station's Rail Yard and Conductor Lounge.

Alternately, you can right-click on a station to choose which View you'd like to open. The menu that appears is contextual and will only allow you to select options that apply.

Look at that! What a handy-dandy shortcut!

The Edit Train View

To access the Edit Train View, click on the "Edit Train" button from within the Station View. Here, you can assign Conductors, Locomotives, Rail Cars, and Passenger Cars to your train. Click on a slot to swap out the assigned card.

Click here to see a detailed breakdown of this View's mechanics.

The Next Stop View

To access the Next Stop View, click on the "Next Stop" button from the Station View. From here, you'll be able to see all of the stations connected to your current location.

  • Rails highlighted in yellow connect to stations you can reach with your current train build.

  • Rails highlighted in red connect to stations you cannot currently reach.

You'll be able to glean the following information about a station by glancing at its placard:

  • Distance: How far away is the station?

  • Fuel Cost: How much fuel will you need to burn to reach the station?

  • Run Time: How long will it take to reach the station in real time?

Be sure to consider these factors as you plan your rail runs.

It's also important to remember that returning to the station you just came from will incur a 2x fuel backtracking penalty.

The Dispatch View

To access the Dispatch View, click on the station you'd like to send your train to while in the Next Stop View. The station's placard will expand, revealing commodity rates.

Here, you'll have the chance to edit your train or adjust your Commodities by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the Departure window.

When you're ready to commit to the rail run, click the "Dispatch" button at the bottom of the Destination window.

Last updated