The Map and HUD

Discover the natural (and unnatural) beauty of the Centuryverse through the game map

Behold. The Centuryverse.

You're looking at the full-picture view of the Modern Century. Zoomed out all the way like this, you're able to see the geography of the five regions of the game world, as well as the bodies of water dividing them.

This is the main View of Train of the Century. From here, you're able to access every other View and dashboard, as well as quickly locate points of interest like your trains. You'll also notice a number of helpful bits of information overlaid atop the map.

First thing's first, let's learn how to navigate the map.

There are two main interactions you'll use to navigate the map: panning and zooming.

  • To zoom: Scroll your mouse click wheel on on your device trackpad. Alternatively, you can pinch to zoom on an touchscreen device. The View will zoom in on the area below your cursor.

  • To pan: Either click on the map and drag, or use the directional buttons.

Here, you can see that we've zoomed in on Centuryville. At this level of zoom, we're able to see much more detail: stations, connecting rails, buildings, and even some tiny foliage. Hovering over a station will reveal its name, and clicking on a station will open the Station View.

We'll cover the Station View and other Views on the next page.

Heads-up Display Information

There are a few key pieces of information superimposed over the Map View at all times. This collection of UI elements is called the "Heads-up Display," or HUD. Let's take a look at each of these elements...

The Button Wheel lives in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Each of these buttons opens a useful screen or dashboard. They also make satisfying noises when you click them!

We'll discuss each of these screens on later pages of this guide. Or, if you'd like to skip ahead, click on one of the links above to learn more about that screen.

Your wallet address is shown in the top right corner of the screen. It's either going to be a string of letters and numbers followed by ".WAM" or a personalized name that you created. Next to that, you'll see a hamburger menu icon and a sound icon.

  • Clicking on the hamburger menu will open a quick options list where you can mute sound effects and music or log out of the game. (See picture below)

  • Clicking on the sound icon will quickly mute just the game's music.

The Chronometer sits centered at the top of your screen. It tells you which century you're currently playing in. As of ToC V1.0, only the Modern Century is available. Stay tuned to see what we're cooking up for new centuries in future updates!

In the top left corner, you'll find two important counters. The top one shows how much Tocium you have in your wallet, and the bottom one shows you how much AMP you have on hand.

Below those, you'll find the Train Bubbles. Clicking on these icons will open the Quick Stats panel, which can show you handy information about your train with just a glance.

Finally, in the bottom left corner are the Resource Labels. Here you can quickly check on your fuel reserves. You can also see which version of the game you're playing.

And that covers the map and the HUD! On the next page, we'll discuss the various Views we developed to help you play the game. Or, click here if you'd like to learn a bit more about the lore of each region on the Centuryverse map.

Last updated