ToC Card Types and Attributes
Discover the different types of Train of the Century cards and learn how their attributes affect gameplay.
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Discover the different types of Train of the Century cards and learn how their attributes affect gameplay.
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If you want to be the best Railroader you can be, it will help to arm yourself with a complete knowledge of how each card type interacts with the game. Lucky for you, we've written this handy-dandy guide to help you keep track of card attributes and their meanings.
Let's take a deep dive into each card type.
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, and the Locomotive is the powerhouse of your train. You can think of your Locomotive as the foundation for the rest of your train: Its attributes determine which Conductors can drive it, how much weight you can haul, how far you can haul it, and how fast it'll get there.
Check out this graphic to learn more about a Locomotive's attributes.
And here's a pro tip: Each of a Locomotive's attribute values are represented as orders of 10 or 100. So that means this train's stats look like this:
Distance: 5 x 10 = Max Distance of 50
Hauling Power: 4 x 100 = Max Haul Weight of 400
Speed: 5 x 10 = Max Speed of 50
For Fuel Type, you've only got two options:
As of the release of ToC V1.0, the only Locomotive that uses Coal is the Mastodon. Keep that in mind when buying Locomotives and their fuel!
If the Locomotive is the powerhouse of your train, the Conductor is the nucleus. Or something like that. (We're really proud of that mitochondria joke...)
Take a look at this graphic to learn more about Conductor Attributes.
The person driving your train is going to bring their own style to your rail runs, and that means your choice of Conductor can impact your runs in a number of ways. Conductor Perks come in three types:
You'll have a higher chance of encountering an NPC when claiming your Tocium reward after a rail run. This perk is represented by a clover icon.
Conductors with this perk know how to squeeze a little more weight into their Rail Cars. This perk is represented by a chain link icon.
Your train will arrive at its destination faster, freeing up time to complete more runs. This perk is represented by a speed gauge icon.
Want to know how strong a Conductor's perk is? It's pretty simple: The number in the bottom left corner of the card represents the percentage modifier attached to the perk. So in this case, Orson has a Speed boost of 5%.
You don't want to try to match a Conductor with a Locomotive they're not qualified to drive, though. Trust us. (We learned that the hard way with Orson.) Each Conductor can only be assigned to a Locomotive with a Conductor Level lower than or equal to their own. So Orson can't pilot the Olympic Light pictured above, but he could easily handle Locomotives like the Illinois Terminal, the Mastodon, or others.
It should be noted that some Conductors have two perks. In that case, you'll see two perk icons and two boost values on the card.
Oh! Let's not forget that mysterious Portal Pass icon in the top left corner! As of the release of ToC V1.0, our Conductors are firmly stuck in the Modern Era. But in future updates of the game? Now that's a different story... Stay tuned for more information on how to help your favorite Conductors travel through time.
You've got to attach Rail Cars to your train if you want to transport cargo from A to B and earn that sweet, sweet Tocium.
Rail Cars comes in all different shape and sizes, with the ability to accommodate up to two different types of Commodity.
Look over the image below to learn more about Rail Car cards.
First up, let's tackle Capacity. A Rail Car's capacity determines how much cargo it can hold. Every Commodity you load onto a Rail Car takes up a designated amount of space (see Commodity Volume in the next section). Make sure to stay mindful of how much space is left in your Rail Car when you're loading it up!
You'll notice an "S" icon in the bottom left corner of this card. This is the Rail Car's Size. A larger Rail Car means a larger Capacity.
Now, let's get to the good stuff. Commodity Types. Each Rail Car can contain up to two (2) different types of Commodity. (In this case, a Tank Car can haul Liquid and Gas Commodities.) This means you can get creative with how you load your cars to maximize the reward you'll get at the end of a run. You want to ship xenon gas and liquid water in the same Tank Car? I wouldn't recommend it in real life, but this is the Centuryverse, bay-bee! Do what feels right.
For some reason, "commodity" is incredibly hard for me to spell. (Hi, this is Conductor John, by the way. How are you?) Luckily, Commodity Cards are easy to understand.
Commodities are the things you get paid Tocium to transport. See? I told you they were easy.
Let's look at an example.
You'll see an icon representing the item's Commodity Type in the top left corner. This one is a palletized commodity. There are a total of thirteen Commodity Types, including...
[Lumber Icon]
Building Materials
Top Secret
When loading Commodities onto a Rail Car, you'll need to make sure your Commodity Type matches between the item and the Rail Car.
Now let's look at the values in the bottom corners.
Volume corresponds to the amount of space the item will take up when loaded onto a Rail Car. This value corresponds to the Rail Car's Capacity attribute.
Weight corresponds to your Locomotive's Hauling Power attribute. If the total weight of all the Commodities in all your Rail Cars exceeds the Locomotive's HP, you won't be able to leave the station.
But what if you don't want to haul tractors, river rock, and gluten bars? Well, there's good news: You can also haul people!
If you want to transport the good citizens of the Centuryverse from one side of the map to the other, you'll need to hitch a Passenger Car to your train. These cards have different attributes than Rail Cars.
Check out this graphic and see if you can tell how Passenger Cars differ from other train cars.
Passenger Car mechanics are a bit simpler than their Rail Car cousins: They only have two attributes.
Open Seats tells you the number of Passengers that can fit into this rail car.
Weight replaces the concept of Commodity Weight. Instead of keeping track of how much weight each Rail Car is hauling, you'll just have to know how much each Passenger Car itself weighs. (We decided to set up Passenger Cars this way because we thought it'd be rude to ask the Passengers how much they weigh. Surely you understand?)
And now to meet the friendly faces who'll be traveling with you.
Here comes one now! Let's see if he can tell us more about his Passenger Card attributes...
Well, maybe "friendly" isn't the best word to describe Jasper...
Passengers will give you a base amount of Tocium for transporting them safely. But if you can really impress them with your service, they just might give you a tip!
To earn tips from Passengers, you'll need to transport them within the boundaries of their home region. You can tell where each Passenger comes from by looking at the Home Region icon in the top left corner of their card.
Pembertonians flaunt their status with a bow tie icon.
Centuryville citizens keep it simple with a gear-clock icon.
Trevithick Pines dwellers show their pride with an observatory icon.
Folks from the Pawpaw Plains bear the barn icon.
James Park natives show their solidarity with a wrench icon.
On top of that, you'll need to meet or beat their Happy Passenger Criterion & Threshold. There are four types of criteria:
Time: These Passengers like it when you deliver them to their destination as fast as possible. These cards have a clock icon in the bottom left corner.
Haul Weight: These Passengers are impressed when your train is hauling huge amounts of cargo. These cards have a chain link icon in the bottom left corner.
Distance: These Passengers like to kick back and enjoy a longer ride. These cards have an arrow icon in the bottom left corner.
Luck: These Passengers are excited by unexpected events, like NPC encounters. These cards have a clover icon in the bottom left corner.
For tips based on time, haul weight and distance, you'll need to beat the threshold shown in the small bubble to the right of the tip type icon.
Curious about how big of a tip you'll receive from a particular Passenger? The number in the bottom right corner of the card represents the percentage they'll use to calculate their tip (based on your total rail run reward).
That covers the attributes of all the card types currently in the game. If you'd like to see a full index of all Train of the Century playing cards available as of V1.0, please see the NFT INDEX section of the site.
Or, if you're ready to dive into game play, click the button below to learn how to log in and create your first train.