Staking Hubs (Rail Yards & Conductor Lounges)

Make the most of your idle NFTs by staking them

How Staking Works

Train of the Century allows players the chance to stake their idle Locomotives and Conductors to earn some extra Tocium over time. You can do so by visiting a Station with an enabled Rail Yard (for staking Locomotives) or Conductor Lounge (for Conductors).

Here's how it works:

  1. Stake your asset in the appropriate pool.

  2. Your asset will accrue Tocium for the duration of its staking period. You'll be able to preview the rate at which your Locomotive or Conductor will earn Tocium per hour. Staking rates are listed at the bottom of this page.

  3. The Station Owner can set a Commission rate of between 0% and 50%. The Commission is a fee the Station Owner collects off the top of your Tocium earnings. For instance, if your Locomotive is set to earn 2.5 Tocium / hour and the Commission is 50%, you'll collect 1.25 Tocium / hour and the Station Owner will collect 1.25 Tocium / hour.

Both types of staking pools have Public and VIP slots available. The number of each type of slot depends on the level to which the pool is upgraded. (Click here to learn more about staking pool upgrades.)

Public and VIP slots are similar, but differ in a few ways. In the following examples, we'll discuss staking mechanics for Public slots. A summary of the benefits of VIP staking will be included at the end of the page.

Rail Yards

Have a spare Locomotive or two lying around, but no train to put them on? Put them to work by putting them in a Rail Yard!

To stake a Locomotive in a Public slot, you must have a train idling at the Station you'd like to stake at. To access the Rail Yard, open the Station View and click on the Staking tab at the bottom of the window.

You'll be able to see how many slots are available for staking. Here, we see Gloom Station has room for two more Locomotives in Public slots. Click on the image of the Rail Yard...

...and click on "CHOOSE LOCOMOTIVE" under the Public signpost. If you wish to apply for VIP access to this Rail Yard, you can also click the "SEND REQUEST" button under the VIP signpost.

Here, you can browse your collection of available Locomotives and select which one you'd like to stake. You can preview the rate at which your Locomotive will earn Tocium in the top right corner of the Locomotive image. You can also see the Commission rate in the bottom left corner of the window and the Stake Expiration Date to the right of that.

Once you've chosen, click the "STAKE" button in the bottom right corner of the window. A confirmation screen will appear. It should look like this:

And that's it! You've staked your first Locomotive. Congratulations!

It's important to note that you can only stake one Locomotive in a Public slot at a given station every 12-hour period. Keep that in mind when you plan your rail runs.

Conductor Lounges

Are your Conductors getting antsy, just waiting around for a rail run assignment? Give 'em a break, and send them to the Conductor Lounge!

To stake a Conductor in a Public slot, you must have a train idling at the Station you'd like to stake at. To access the Conductor Lounge, open the Station View and click on the Staking tab at the bottom of the window. Click on the Conductor Lounge image...

...and click on "CHOOSE CONDUCTOR" under the Public door. If you wish to apply for VIP access to this Conductor Lounge, you can also click the "SEND REQUEST" button under the VIP door.

Here, you can browse your collection of available Conductors and select which one you'd like to stake. You can preview the rate at which your Conductor will earn Tocium above the Conductor image. You can also see the Commission rate in the bottom left corner of the window and the Stake Expiration Date to the right of that.

Once you've chosen, click the "STAKE" button in the bottom right corner of the window. A confirmation screen will appear. It should look like this:

And that's it! You've staked your first Conductor. Congratulations!

It's important to note that you can only stake one Conductor in a Public slot at a given station every 12-hour period. Keep that in mind when you plan your rail runs.

Unstaking and Claiming Rewards

Curious about the nuances of unstaking you assets and claiming Tocium rewards? Here's how it works:

  • Unstake your assets from anywhere on the map by visiting Railroader Dashboard and opening the Staking Tab.

  • You can claim anytime after your asset has been staked for at least an hour. You can claim your rewards from the Railroader Dashboard on the Staking Tab. Clicking the "CLAIM" button on a listing for a Locomotive will automatically claim all accrued rewards for all Locomotives at that Station. Clicking the "CLAIM" button on a listing for a Conductor will have the same affect for Conductors at that Station.

  • Rewards can also be claimed directly from a Rail Yard or Conductor Lounge at which you have assets staked.

Expanding Your Staking Pools

Station Owners can pay a Tocium fee to upgrade and expand their Rail Yards and Conductor Lounges. This means they'll be able to earn more Tocium from visitors, and visitors will have more opportunities to stake their assets.

Click here to learn how to upgrade your staking pools.

Public vs. VIP Staking

Let's take a look at the differences between Public staking and VIP Staking:


Station Owner Must Grant Access?



Station Owner Can Utilize Their Own Slots



Can Stake From Anywhere?

No. Must have an idle train at the Station.

Yes. You can stake in VIP slots from anywhere.

Set Expiration Date on Stakes?

Yes. Stakes expire after 14 days, or when manually unstaked.

No. Stakes last indefinitely, or end when manually unstaked by the Station Owner or by you.

Staking Rates

An asset's stake rate is fixed and based on the card's rarity. Rates are the same for Locomotives and Conductors, and you can find them in the chart below:

RarityTocium Earned Per Hour













Last updated